American Realty
Investors is a Swiss firm with offices in the
United States and whose focal point is to invest
in U.S. income producing properties on behalf
of a growing number of international investors.
The company has been active
since 1964, and since inception it has reached
at times a portfolio value in excess of $2 billion:
at present it employs approximately 150 people
and it has a strong base in Houston, Texas and
in South Florida.
American Realty Investors
consists of highly trained, experienced professionals.
The organization is recognized for its responsiveness
to the tenant, as well as the property. A commitment
to service, coupled with in-depth knowledge of
every aspect of property management, maintenance,
and leasing ensures a high quality of services
to each client.
The group has considerable
experience with foreign investments in North American
real estate and can offer all services required
by institutional or private investors, including
the most appropriate legal and tax set-ups.
Our shareholders typically
co-invest with our clients so that our function
is not to "broker" an investment but
rather to analyze it in great depth, put it under
contract and look for one or more partners.